Antarctica, continentul acoperit de un strat imens de gheață, ascunde un peisaj dramatic, format din lanțuri muntoase, albii ...
Antarctica a fost cândva un È›inut înfloritor, plin de viață. Este greu de crezut acum, dar ascuns sub un strat de gheață gros, acel peisaj antic este încă îngropat, iar acum, mai mulÈ›i oameni de È™tiin ...
Antarctica, Earth's southernmost continent, is a place of extremes. Over 99% of Antarctica is covered in ice, which is up to 4.9 km thick inland, and extends over the sea in the form of ice shelves ...
Antarctica is like no place on Earth. The "White Continent" has lured explorers and scientists to its stunning, ice-encrusted landscape for two centuries. Countries have tried to carve up Antarctica ...
Hapag-Lloyd Cruises’ Hanseatic Inspiration has successfully completed its Antarctic semi-circumnavigation, a 32-day voyage from Ushuaia, Argentina, to Christchurch, New Zealand. Departing on January ...
Ministrul Transporturilor şi Infrastructurii, Sorin Grindeanu, a declarat, marţi, că Portul Constanţa trebuie să devină principalul hub logistic privind reconstrucţia Ucrainei. Referitor la ...
The world's strongest ocean current could slow as melting Antarctic ice sheets flood it with fresh water, according to research published on Monday that warned of "severe" climate consequences.
Scared was too strong a word to describe how I was feeling en route to Antarctica. I was nervous—uneasy, really. Our ship, the National Geographic Explorer, had just departed Ushuaia, the Argentinian ...
Recent times have seen an increase in the demand for Antarctic krill oil due to the numerous health benefits it offers. This oil, derived from small shrimp-like organisms known as krill that dwell ...
Serviciul Federal de Securitate al Rusiei (FSB) a anunÅ£at vineri că a dejucat un atentat împotriva mitropolitului Crimeei, anexată de Rusia în 2014. De asemenea, Rusia acuză serviciile speciale ...