The trade of endangered long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) from Cambodia should be suspended, according to ...
In June, a committee of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) announced that long-tailed macaques (LTMs) will continue to be classified as “endangered” on the IUCN Red List of ...
In a pair of Endangered Species Act petitions filed Monday, PETA and its allies asked the Fish and Wildlife Service to list the long-tailed macaque and the southern pig-tailed macaque as threatene ...
The IUCN estimates that, if things continue as they are now, both species are expected to suffer catastrophic population losses in the coming decades. The organization calculates that approximately 40 ...
"What's become clear through … groups like PETA and others is that there is an ongoing trade of illegal Cambodian long-tailed macaques that are being imported into Canada for the purpose of what ...
Bailey. "Biomedicine relies on the availability of long-tailed macaques to conduct life-saving research, including work to advance treatments for infectious diseases, cancer, and other critical ...
In a boost for one of the largest clinical research organizations in the U.S., the officials who oversee an international treaty governing endangered species voted to defer a recommendation to ...
The many land use changes that the island has undergone over the years has resulted in an increased overlap between people and endemic fauna and the influx of invasive species, which was ...
"Biomedicine relies on the availability of long-tailed macaques to conduct life-saving research." Additionally, this prudent approach allows time for the U.S. House Natural Resources Committee to ...