The CX-80 is the smaller of two available seven-seaters, and is shaping up as the right fit for urban families. Mazda is a ...
Here’s your daily look at traffic on major highways in the Kansas City area. This article is being continuously updated.
No traffic street lights for one busy far eastside street! That's what's driving one viewer crazy this week.KFOX14 received ...
The nearly $2 billion joint infrastructure program which is federally and locally funded and meant to fund hundreds of road ...
An area in Otero County is being evacuated as fire agencies respond to a vegetation fire in southern New Mexico. The ...
It was picked up again in Hamilton County. The vehicle was headed southbound on I-75 and exited at Glendale Milford Road. The ...
Although D.C.’s iconic Black Lives Matter Plaza is being torn up, other street art from the summer of 2020 remains, and a few ...
Music fans have a maddening array of options all over the metro area, but especially in Hamtramck, where the annual Hamtramck ...
Construction is now underway on two streets in Universal City, while construction continues on I-10 at the Guadalupe County ...
What causes sinkholes? Traffic nightmares worsen as new sinkhole opened on Rt 80 - shutting down traffic in both directions. Detours and what to know ...
Business After Hours event, hosted by The Journal, 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Cortez Area Chamber of Commerce, 20 W. Main St.