As Netflix introduces global fans to Fragrance of the First Flower, check out the best romantic Taiwanese dramas to fully explore the genre.
Daugelis žmonių jau daugelį metų patiria sunkumų: jie eina miegoti ir nuo trijų iki penkių valandų praleidžia žiūrėdami į lubas. Gali atrodyti, kad nemiga trunka amžinai, o ryte užplūsta nuovargio ...
Mei in Overwatch 2 Season 15 is a formidable damage-class hero. She is known as the Ice Queen of OW2, and rightly so. Mei uses her Endothermic Blaster to inflict freeze damage onto enemies.
Overwatch 2 Season 15 brings massive changes including perks, Loot Boxes, and a Competitive Play rank reset for 2025. A new Twitch Drops event offers Rainy Day Mei cosmetics for watching 12 hours ...
Here is everything you need to know about the steps to acquire the newest Rainy Day Mei legendary skin in Overwatch 2. Another rainy day, another cute skin for Mei. Our damage hero will receive a ...
Advokatų kontoros „Glimstedt“ vyresnysis teisininkas, advokatas Ovidijus Speičys Nuo 2025 m. vasario 2 d. pagaliau pradėtos taikyti pirmosios Europos Sąjungos Dirbtinio intelekto akto (DI aktas)[1] ...
Jiao Zi, the director of China’s massive box-office hit Ne Zha 2, has shared a deeply personal story of how he spent over three years unemployed and reliant on his mother’s modest pension. Known ...
was released on February 2, 2025. The episode witnessed a date between Rentaro Aijo and his new soulmate, Mei Meido. Rentaro realized that Mei was obsessed with taking orders. Hence, he tried to ...
Season 5 of Overwatch 2 is right around the corner ... I’m sure Widow and Hanzo mains won’t be super happy. Finally for now, Mei and Cassidy are getting back some of their crowd control ...