There are many lesser-known facts about Ohio, and one of the more unfortunate is a rare animal species that went extinct ...
A bald eagle that was injured in a fight last month was released back into the wild Monday afternoon by leaders with the Ohio ...
Cold Creek, a 5-mile, meandering run of clear water that starts from holes in the ground and flushes into Sandusky Bay within ...
DOVER, Ohio (WOIO) - Several animals died in a Sunday afternoon house fire in Tuscawaras County. Firefighters were called to ...
Jason Jones was sentenced to probation for scamming pet owners and neglecting their pets, and was ordered to pay $341,362.24 ...
Jason Jones, 45, was sentenced Friday after previously pleading guilty to 181 counts of failing to provide dog training ...
Chronic Wasting Disease during the 2024-25 hunting season in Ohio, with most infected animals found in Allen, Hardin, Marion, ...
CANTON ‒ Suspected human bones, plus 253 rats and other animals both dead and alive, have been removed from "deplorable ...
A bald eagle is back in the wild after spending more than a month being rehabilitated. Workers with the Ohio Division of ...
Hundreds of rats were found in an Ohio home that is now condemned. The ones that survived are being cared for by an Indiana ...
More than 85,000 rainbow trout will be released in 90 locations throughout Ohio. Releases began last week and will continue ...