Imaginează-ți o rochie A-line din straturi delicate de tul care dansează în briza ușoară a unei grădini înflorite sau pe plaja însorită. Nunțile de toamnă beneficiază de bogăția materialelor precum ...
A 50-a ediţie a Oscarurilor franceze arată că Europa este mult mai puţin preocupată la controverse ca America Cele mai nominalizate filme, Contele de Monte-Cristo şi L'amour ouf/Iubire fără limite, ...
Robert Harris will not be at the Oscar ceremony on Sunday night to see if the screen adaptation of his novel Conclave lands Best Picture. “Not invited,” he says, “though I was at the Baftas ...
Venetia is currently the biggest diamond mine development under way anywhere in the world. The mine is an openpit operation; however, following shareholder approval, development work started in ...
Venetia continua sa se scufunde, chiar daca fenomenul este unul treptat, greu de resimtit de locuitori. Noile masuratori, realizate cu ajutorul satelitului, arata ca orasul coboara cu circa 2 mm pe ...
NEW YORK (PIX11) – The end of February will mark the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan for Muslim people around the world. Ramadan honors when Allah revealed the first verses of the Qur ...
The best electric bikes are an ideal choice if you want to cut down on the time you spend in the car. From quick daily commutes to short trips into town, these bikes can help you get up to speed ...
The famous salmon pink and green-spotted silks of Susannah and Rich Ricci have been synonymous for Venetia Williams with Royale Pagaille, and they unleash a new recruit in the 2m3½f maiden hurdle ...
But connections are confident he will still make the line-up. Second top weight of 11st9lb will be shouldered by Venetia Williams' dual Haydock Park Betfair Chase winner Royale Pagaille.
Preşedintele Franţei, Emmanuel Macron, a ajuns luni la Casa Albă pentru discuţii cu Donald Trump pe tema posibilităţilor de încheiere a războiului din Ucraina, într-un context marcat de viziuni ...
Venetia La Manna, an online activist for sustainable fashion, disconnects from her phone every weekend, and lets her followers know with the hashtag #offline48. "I'm able to be more present with ...