Christian nationalism was a flop when the Puritans tried it. See this famous Augustus Saint-Gaudens sculpture for information ...
Christian nationalism was a flop when the Puritans tried it. See this famous Augustus Saint-Gaudens sculpture for information.
Puritans were religious fanatics — the Christian ... has a big tattoo across his right bicep in a Gothic font spelling Deus Vult — the Latin term for “God wills it” — a holy-war motto ...
Photoshop CS6 Extended tutorial showing how to add chiseled text to a headstone or gravestone and then transform it to look like its at night with a sliver of moonlight on its surface. Gravestone ...
Fonts. Those little details that most people barely notice, yet they have an enormous influence over how we interpret written information. Fonts set the tone from the sans serif clarity of highway ...
Readers help support Windows Report. We may get a commission if you buy through our links. Have you ever wondered where all those fonts on your computer are stored? Knowing where to find your fonts is ...
If you need to repair the font registry you can give FontReg a try. This utility can be used to ensure the consistency of the Windows font registry. It does this by registering fonts that are not ...
SJWs are puritans. Every ideology has its crazy zealots. They are like the mob that chants "confess" as the queen walks through a deluge of insults and hate in Game of Thrones. I suspect scant ...