A new fashion event centred around sustainability, is set to take place in Bangor. The Slow Fashion Event, organised by Menter Môn, will be held at Pontio on April 12. Those attending can expect to ...
Meet the William & Mary alumni who have significantly influenced and redefined excellence in roles recognized worldwide. They ...
Cirque Du Soleil OVO opens in Hershey on Thursday, March 20 and runs through Sunday, March 23, 2025, before going to Wilkes ...
It’s just one of many, many stories that are sure to shape the day of the Ciao Primavera Italian Fashion Show on April 6.
The Guinness World Records, GWR has officially recognised Nigerian fashion designer Kuforiji Oluwaseun for achieving the ...
Professor and designer Sister Aloyse Hessburg founded the nation's first four-year fashion program at Mount Mary University ...
If you rip your pants but don’t know how to sew, you might want to visit Kirkwood Mall’s newest business, the Sewing Room.
Those who have clothing needing minor repairs, but who have no sewing skills, are invited to take advantage of Mend-It Monday ...
The Guinness World Records has officially recognised Ogun State-born fashion designer Kuforiji Oluwaseun for setting the ...
New software allows computers to draw up 3D patterns for women’s wear, but area businesses offering wedding dresses, prom ...
Daphne Murphy creates art from ailing artifacts with her scissors and sewing machine.Raised in Orono, Maine, Murphy didn’t ...
When it comes to sewing, researchers say that learning includes intangibles like improvement in eye-hand coordination, ...