Don Toliver is giving a masterclass in breaking the rules of album promotion. With a new song, “ LV Bag ,” promising a new ...
An outdoor warning siren in Abbeville that had been out of operation is now back in service, according to Lafayette County ...
Rotating sirens are placed atop 50-foot poles, according to Federal Communication Commission requirements. The model of siren reaches 130 decibels, or roughly the same as a jackhammer. The county ...
"There was no sirens on," witness Rebecca Ascencio said. "I heard the squealing of tires, the car trying to get away from the officer. And then I heard the big bang, which is that pole right there ...
Air raid sirens were placed on the top of tall buildings - often police stations or similar - or on the top of poles if no suitable building could be found. In cities the sirens were powered ...