OSHA’s latest arc-flash guidance highlights critical safety measures, including proper hazard identification, PPE requirements, and the importance of verifying de-energized work. Employers must take ...
Using PPE is often essential, but it is generally the last line of defense after considering engineering controls, work practices, and administrative controls. Engineering controls involve physically ...
A video on social media shows two workers at the top of a building using a rope as a makeshift harness to stop one of them ...
Our work helps shape sound policies ... the health and security of Americans by ensuring a supply chain for personal protective equipment (PPE) and technology (PPT), medical devices, medicines, and ...
Workplace safety remains a critical issue in Australia today. Australian workplaces recorded numerous fatalities in 2022, with transport and warehousing sectors showing higher injury rates than ...
Maintenance is universally understood to be a crucial aspect on any mine, but how can companies ensure it is done efficiently and safely?
Senior Michael Hazard, one of the inaugural students of the University's PPE major, attended a national conference for his ...
While working with hazardous chemicals in campus laboratories, the following minimum personal protective equipment (PPE) is required to be worn at all times: Safety glasses or splash goggles Lab coat ...