An art dealer is under investigation for potential fraud over a misattributed Caravaggio painting, with suspicions of false ...
Paranthropus was an ape-like hominin that survived alongside early humans for more than a million years. A fossilised leg belonging to a strikingly small member of the group raises questions about how ...
Born in Brighton in 2019, the group is down to Phoebe Lunny and Lilly Maciera. Iggy Pop is a fan. That’s all you really have to know. Here’s the latest off their debut album, Who Let the Dogs Out.
Neanderthals and Homo sapiens shared technology and customs in the Levant, shaping early human culture through cooperation.
Singer, composer and performer Gavin Friday is currently touring his latest album Ecce Homo across Europe and Ireland.
Paradigm-shattering discovery reveals that the relationship between early humans and Neanderthals was more complex than ...
Homo naledi, an extinct relative of modern humans whose brain was one-third the size of ours, buried their dead and engraved ...
The dealer, Herennia Trillo, sold the work titled 'Ecce Homo with Two Executioners' for nearly $300,000 in early 2023.
A recent study published in Nature Human Behaviour shows that a cave in central Israel suggest that Neanderthals and early ...
By comparing modern human, Neanderthal, and chimpanzee skulls, researchers have uncovered a unique trait having to do with ...
An alleged Caravaggio is at the center of a art fraud case in Madrid after it was sold for $300,000. Museum experts now say ...