Why’, the young naif Jeffrey (Kyle MacLachlan) asks in Blue Velvet, ‘is there so much trouble in this world?’ Three decades ...
The aim of this article is to explore the relationship between two apparently contradictory elements in Marx’s thought; namely, his belief that proletarian revolutionary consciousness will develop in ...
Many a ruling class has sought to erase from historical memory the blood and squalor in which it was born. As Blaise Pascal admonishes with arresting candour in his Pensées, ‘The truth about the ...
It is not easy today to say something original about fascism. Exceptionally, Dylan Riley’s intelligent study succeeds in opening fresh perspectives. The book leaves aside many matters that are ...
Aholocaust goes on among us: tomorrow at dawn, another ancient plant or bird will be extinct; nine-hundred million people starve;footnote 1 dammed-up rivers run sour and parched soils crack open; ...
The tripartite system of secondary education, inaugurated in 1944, has been partially eroded throughout the fifties and early sixties. ‘Parity of esteem’ notoriously proved a synonym for ‘some are ...
In a problematic specifically concerned with explaining twentieth-century socio-political developments, the questions of how and when classes are formed also raise other problems not encompassed ...
Exponential curves such as these are wreaking havoc upon finite nature. Yet few on the radical left engage in a holistic ...
The basic theme of State and Revolution—the one that indelibly inscribes itself on the memory, and immediately comes to mind when one thinks of the work—is the theme of the revolution as a destructive ...
Although a long time coming, Trudeau’s fall has been dramatic. He was elected in 2015 promising ‘real change’ and ‘sunny ways ...
Alan Macfarlane’s principal objective in The Origins of English Individualism footnote * is to prove that there was no peasantry in England during the middle ages and that attempts to describe the ...