The "Spotlight on Regions" initiative was launched by TAP in 2018 and has so far covered 20 governorates.
Jendouba, Feb 18 (TAP-Kilani Shabou)-In the mountainous setting of Aïn Draham, in the governorate of Jendouba, a young man has managed to turn the challenges of his region into opportunities.
(TAP) - Boat traffic returned to eastern Democratic Republic of Congo's Lake Kivu on Tuesday as ports re-opened in two cities which have fallen to M23 rebels, a development the United Nations said ...
JENDOUBA, 18 févr. (TAP-Par Kilani Shabou)-Dans l’écrin montagneux d’Aïn Draham, au gouvernorat de Jendouba, un jeune homme a su transmuter les défis de sa région en opportunités.