Algorithm for dynamically calculating a level based on experience ...
\$\begingroup\$ @Stephen: @Random832 is correct, both "exponential" and "geometric" growth refer to having a constant ratio between successive/equidistant terms (which means the rate of growth is proportional to the current value - in calculus this is stated by saying an exponential function has f'(x) = c*f(x)). The term "geometric" is used ...
movement - Calculating framerate-independent values, for linear ...
Sep 15, 2020 · A_to_B_damp: this seems to have been answered here Frame-rate independant movement with acceleration via the Pow() function. This makes sense since it describes an exponential curve; I'd still appreciate someone breaking down the formula though, because the answer given there involves "referenceFPS" and I'd prefer to stick solely to units of ...
Why use Time.deltaTime in Lerping functions?
Oct 3, 2017 · Instead we need to apply an exponential correction for our exponential ease: blend = 1f - Mathf.Pow(1f - sharpness, Time.deltaTime * referenceFramerate); current = Mathf.Lerp(current, target, blend); Here referenceFramerate is just a constant like 30 to keep the units for sharpness the same as we were using before correcting for time.
unity - Smooth lerp towards a moving target - Game …
Jun 7, 2022 · I stumbled upon this function that lerp towards a moving target with exponential correction which works really well. The original author mentioned integrating the target position. Can anyone explain how this works in mathematical terms? How would I …
How can I come up with a simple diminishing return equation?
Dec 15, 2014 · This is referred to as "O", eg you might say that a particular algorithm (or function) takes O(n) steps to run. An algorithm in which the steps increase exponentially might be described as taking O(n squared) steps for example. This is totally different to having a single equation which has an exponential term in it. \$\endgroup\$ –
How do I implement deceleration for the player character?
Based on the edits the edits you made in your question, you don't really need to implement this exponential method. Assuming you are going to simulate friction, you can also implement more physical method: Physically friction reduces speed by linear manner, assuming Object mass doesn't change over time.
How to develop RPG Damage Formulas? - game design
Use a polynomial or exponential function. Do you want the value to grow fast at first, and slow down later? Use an nth-root or logarithmic function. Do you want the value to grow slowly at the start/end but fast in the middle? Or do you want it to grow quickly but still have an upper-bound? Use a sigmoid curve, such as atan or the logistic ...
What math function represents Minecraft bow angle/height?
Oct 15, 2021 · I am working on a mod in Minecraft Forge/MCP using Java. Aiming a bow is controlled by your head pitch and yaw rotation. Right now I have a math function that automatically looks at the target. But I
Exponential Variance Shadow Mapping - implementation
Variance shadow mapping, plainly put, just suffers from these light bleeding issues. I personally prefer to implement ESM (check out page 257 of ShaderX6) as the memory pressure is half of the VSM map and the artifacts are much less abrasive to me: (The very beginning of the shadow is …
Random number in a range, biased toward the low end of the range
Feb 18, 2016 · A couple of possibilities are an exponential decay function, and a inverse function, although in both cases the edge cases need to be well studied. I'm not going to give you the code, but rather the formulas. Assume R is a random number between 0-1. Inverse Linear: while (R<.1) { R*=10; } return ceil(10-(1/(R)) Exponential Decay: