Plants by Marshallese Name - University of Hawaii System
Plants by Marshallese Name. Marshallese Names . Scientific Name . Family Names . Abļajtiiñ ...
Plants & Environments of the Marshall Islands - University of …
INDIVIDUAL PLANT PAGES . Plants on this site by Marshallese names. Plants on this site by scientific names. The four main plants. COMMON USES OF PLANTS . Traditional uses of plants. Food. Medicine. Perfume. Garlands. Psychoactive ||
Top 20 Most Common Plants in Marshall Islands - PictureThis
In Marshall Islands, you can find Beach naupaka, Screw pine, Chinese hibiscus, Noni, Bayhops, and more! There are 20 types of plants in total. Be sure to look out for these common plants when you’re walking on the streets, in parks, or public gardens.
Herbal Medicine in the Marshal Islands
Jun 10, 2013 · This book describes the uses of medicinal plants in the Marshall Islands and some background on Marshallese traditional medicine. The herbal combinations and treatments documented in this book were passed down through many generations, in dreams and through the spirits of their ancestors.
Top 20 Most Common Flowering Plants in Marshall Islands
Marshall Islands, characterized by a tropical climate and fertile soil, nurtures a diverse array of indigenous flowers. Among them, Screw pine, Chinese hibiscus, and Madagascar periwinkle stand out for their visual splendor, deep symbolism, and ecological significance.
Plants & Environments of the Marshall Islands - University of …
More than 20 names are known for different cultivated varieties in the Marshall Islands. These include: petaaktak, bukdoļ, mākinono, mejwaan, mejenwe, and metete. The smooth-skinned cultivars normally bear fruit earlier, taste sweeter, and have firmer flesh.
Marshall Islands’ Flora: A Botanist’s Guide to the Country’s Plants
Native plants have adapted to the specific ecological conditions of the Marshall Islands and play a vital role in maintaining the balance of the island’s biodiversity. One prominent native plant species in the Marshall Islands is the Cordia subcordata, commonly known as the beach cordia.
Plants and their uses in the Marshalls - Food Plants
Plants and their uses in the Marshalls Food Plants compiled by Dirk H.R.Spennemann: Traditional Marshallese food plants Edible parts : Scientific name: Common name: Marshallese name: Normal times: Emergency: Alocasia maccrohiza: Giant taro: babai: Tubers : …
Plants and their uses in the Marshalls - Medicinal Plants
Scientific name: Marshallese name: Utilised parts: Used for: Allophyllus timorensis: Kütaak: leaves: Physical energiser for children; general body massage
Traditional Medicine of the Marshall Islands: The Women, the Plants …
Jan 1, 2007 · Traditional Marshallese medicine is presented in chapter 5 by means of an alphabetical list of fifty-six plants, each listed under its Marshallese name, its Latin family and species name, as well...