Sky burial, Insectoid burial and humongous Sphynx - Reddit
Added: Sky burial funeral. Lay your dead in a stone slab so their remains can be claimed by nature Added: Insectoid burial funeral. Bury your dead inside an insectoid nest. Only available for the Insectoid Supremacy meme Added: New GIGANTIC Sphynx statue for the Kemetic Structure. Built like the pyramid in the art workbench.
Native American "Sky Burial" Traditions : r/AskAnthropology - Reddit
Mar 7, 2020 · I recently read about some North American native tribal traditions that included a form of sky burial that is very reminiscent of sky burial traditions in places like Mongolia. Obviously when I first read this my mind went straight to wondering whether there is any connection between these two traditions.
Has anyone actually looked into what a "sky burial" is?
Feb 26, 2016 · Something that's worth noting is that sky burial, in this case, ironically works quite badly with blood-addled hunters. Since they have partaken in the Old Blood, doing sky burial just leads to birds and carrion worms consuming the Old Blood and becoming infected themselves.
Tibetan sky funeral : r/oddlyterrifying - Reddit
Nov 25, 2023 · Giving up the body to the vultures is seen as a final act of generosity by the deceased, as the cultures that practice sky burials believe that your soul or self leaves the body at your moment of death and anything left behind is just flesh.
Sky burial : r/wikipedia - Reddit
Feb 18, 2009 · I always imagine a sky burial as doing something like making a lightweight canoe/coffin-type thing, attaching it to a huge air-balloon, and then letting it float off into the sky so it'll just remain frozen up somewhere in the stratosphere, forever floating around the Earth as the wind currents take it wherever.
There is another way to do Sky Burial when you're lunatic
Dec 15, 2016 · That's awesome. What's less awesome is that Zoroastrians use the exact same event text as Tengri for Sky Burials, when they had their own distinct thing called Dhakma - they constructed large towers and interred the corpses there.
TIL Tibetans practice 'sky burials' where bodies are chopped
The actual burial was cancelled that day because the body didn't arrive on time (family members were carrying it from a nearby village), but I spent a few hours wandering the hill nonetheless. As is common for sky burial locations, there was a a dedicated place at the top of the hill were the lama does the ceremony and dismembers the body.
(Spoilers) Eileen the Crow and Sky Burials : r/bloodborne - Reddit
Jun 15, 2015 · For those curious, a Sky Burial is a traditional method of body disposal and an effort to return one's now empty vessel to nature in the most generous way possible. Historically practiced in Tibet, the body is typically left out in the open air, permitting animals and, very often, large scavenger birds to dispose of bodily remains.
TIL that "Sky burial" is a practice where bodies are left on ... - Reddit
Edit: Also, the sky burial platform, a stone surface so they can cut, is on the backside of the mountain that the monastery is on. When people walk back there, the vultures swarm like crazy, because people typically means feeding time. IF I could get an old corrupt hard drive to work, I have photos of the swarm.
Are sky burials legal in America? : r/NoStupidQuestions - Reddit
A sky burial is a burial tradition where a body is left out in the elements to naturally decompose. Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.