Spinal Cord | Nervous Tissue - Histology Guide
Spinal Cord. Peripheral nerves contain sensory neurons and motor neurons that connect with the spinal cord. In cross-section, the spinal cord is divided into the butterfly-shaped grey matter and surrounding white matter. Gray Matter - butterfly-shaped region that contains nerve cell bodies and supporting glial cells.
Spinal Cord | Nervous Tissue - Histology Guide
Spinal Cord. Cross section of the spinal cord within a vertebra surrounded by skeletal muscle. The spinal cord is divided into the butterfly-shaped grey matter and surrounding white matter. Gray Matter - butterfly-shaped region that contains nerve cell bodies and supporting glial cells.
Spinal cord - Eugraph
The top image of spinal cord at 40X shows the butterfly-shaped gray matter surrounded by white matter. The middle image at 400X shows gray matter of the ventral horn and adjacent white matter. The lower image at 400X shows the area around the central canal cc. Ependymal cells ep line the central canal.
Spinal Cord 4 Level Prepared Microscope Slide HE2-24
HE2-24 Spinal Cord 4 Level Prepared Microscope Slide Spinal cord; 4 levels, cs through cervical, thoracic, lumbar, & sacral regions. A 10% discount applies if you order more than 10 of this item and 15% discount applies if you order more than 25 of this item. Triarch Incorporated offers superior prepared microscope slides.
Spinal Cord Whole Slide Image Viewer-uScopeMXII 20x (0.40NA ...
Spinal Cord whole slide image scanned by the uScopeMXII digital whole slide scanner. This slide was scanned using a 20x (0.40NA) objective. The spinal cord is a long, thin, tubular bundle of nervous tissue and support cells.
Spinal Cord - Cross Section - Prepared Microscope Slide
Single, prepared microscope slide of spinal cord. Cross section. Shows characteristic structures. Great for biology classrooms to explore structure-function connections as per NGSS standards. Arrives in protective cardboard casing. Each slide measures 75mm …
Cervical Spinal Cord, Human - Cross Section - Prepared Microscope Slide …
Slide measures 75mm wide and 25mm long; Arrives in a protective cardboard casing; Single, prepared microscope slide of a cross section of a human cervical spinal cord. Stained for better visualization of characteristic structures. Great choice for …
MHS 240 Spinal Cord - histology.pennstatehealth.net
Histology Guide - a virtual histology laboratory with zoomable images of microscope slides and electron micrographs.
Spinal Cord CS Prepared Microscope Slide - Triarch Incorporated
Triarch Incorporated offers superior prepared microscope slides. While we produce over 2300 different Botany slides, we also make Zoology , Histology and Embryology slides. In addition, we offer affordable quality microscopes from Swift and Leica for less.
Spinal Cord (cresyl violet) | Nervous Tissue - Histology Guide
Cross section of the spinal cord stained with cresyl violet. Cresyl violet is a basic dye that binds nucleic acids and preferentially stains RNA. In cross-section, the spinal cord is divided into the butterfly-shaped grey matter and surrounding white matter.